Online Archive, Not Just a Search Rank Checker

Ok, after my previous post and looking at things a bit more. I’ve decided to make the search rank checking tool even more of a knowledge base to help track proceedings over time.

The aim now is to include archiving of:

  • Rankings in search results
  • Number of pages indexed in the different search engines
  • Google Page Rank
  • Back link numbers from Google and Yahoo!

Might also look at lower quality metrics such as alexa ranking.

Is there anything you’d recommend archiving?

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3 Responses to “Online Archive, Not Just a Search Rank Checker” RSS 2.0

  • Pitambharadharaya Says:

    Please, can you PM me and tell me few more thinks about this, I am really fan of your blog…

  • admin Says:

    I will contact you once i get it closer to a working solution. Thanks for being a fan

  • Ken Says:

    Including RSS subscription numbers as a ranking tool would be useful.

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