Tips On Identifying SEO Spammers
I received an email the other day from a company trying to sell SEO to me for my blog.
Of course this email got flagged as spam as it was obvious to me that they were trying to make business by spamming website owners with an offer. Basically they would only get paid by me if I get results.
If I were ignorant I guess this may have been enticing. However I am not.
For those that haven’t got a clue and think the offer in the email is for you, here’s a few tips:
- Don’t trust any email that you don’t know the company that is sending it to you
- Check their website
- The on-page optimisation used
- Pagerank
- Check their clients & examples of work and results
- Finally just be wary.
From the email that I got here’s a few things that I picked up on:
- Firstly their domain… What sort of SEO company would use such a domain.
- Next they referenced everything to This is a sure sign they don’t know you and are running through some automated emailing script
- Then there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom pointing to a completely different url. Why would I unsubscribe to something that I didn’t subscribe to.
- Lastly their site…yes I took a look at their site, mainly for this post. But hey it’s a doosy. Very spammy and now checking again the site is not up.
Be careful out there, theres nothing worse than getting ripped off
Tags: seo spam
Crazy ey. They obviously didn’t check the content of your site – maybe they could have learned a thing or two.
I’d add a thought, treat any unsolicited email from companies just as you would a Nigerian Scam email or one for larger man or girl bits
very nice web site. My English is not so good, so I do not understandt it well, but it seems very good. Thanks
Just got the same email, promising to get me on the first page of Google. How awesome! No doubt what they mean is that I’ll be able to type my domain name into google search and my website will come up. I certainly hope noone is falling for this tripe – at $300/month I would hope that people have done at least a little research.